Essay Conclusion | Example Words & Phrases


Do you know what people remember most from your essay or speech? It is the beginning and the conclusion.

Our professionals know how to make your report catchy. One can learn helpful tips from our mature writers or order a ready-made captivating text with a strong conclusion.

Why does the conclusion matter?

The last paragraph reflects your ability to select the most important things from the whole flow of information and title. This abstract ends the text; thus, it makes the final impression.

We know from experience that the last phrase forms sort of aftertaste. Rest assured that it will be associated with your paper. So, pay enough attention to your closing words.

Good conclusion for your essay | Tips from experts

A conclusion is a final push to your brilliant essay. You have already spent so many efforts to come up with original ideas, find strong facts, and explain the core points of your project.

Now it is time to sum up your thoughts and reveal key findings. Do not give it up since you are one step away from success. If you feel absolutely exhausted at this stage, turn to our specialists for help.

For those who feel power and enthusiasm to write an essay till the last point, we have selected effective recommendations.

A magic formula to write a conclusion for an essay

For more than ten years of successful writing experience, we have written an unlimited number of conclusions for essays. We have found that the final paragraph should be composed according to the rule.

  Conciseness +  Catchphrase + Value for a reader = Good conclusion  

1. Short and to the point

The final part of the essay is definitely not for long reflections and new suggestions. The point is to recap all the information you have presented above. Do not overload your readers.

2. Memorable

Use eye-catching phrases to conclude your essay. You can reach this goal by selecting the most suitable words.

3. Valuable

The sense of the conclusion boils down to summarizing and, what is more important, analyzing all the above information. Herein lies its value for a reader.

A strong conclusion leaves a lasting impression on the reader. It is what shows the best of your essay.

Essay conclusions: the ultimate list of pro tips

We want to share our experience and, thus, provide this guidance on effective endings for your high school and college essays. Inspiration and in-depth knowledge enable us to write a conclusion in one breath. But what if a muse does not come? Then, one can try some routine ways. Here we emphasize practical advice.

1. Make a list of the core ideas presented in the main part

It will help you concentrate attention around them for summing up. Meantime, having this outline in front of eyes, you avoid repeating the same wordings.

2. Reread the introduction

The conclusion must follow from the first part of the paper. Start with a transition sentence connecting the initial idea to your closing thoughts.

3. Rewrite the main thoughts

Rephrase wordings to avoid duplication. Or ask our rewriter to do it Wrapping up is essential for this part of the report. Meantime, it cannot be an end in itself.  A conclusion should be much more than a summary.

4. Look one more time at your final abstract

Cross out new arguments and facts from it.

5. “Dig deeper”

What is the sense of my essay? What is my central message? Why is it helpful? What is the value of my suggestions for a reader (field of science, humankind, in general...) Ask yourself similar questions to synthesize and highlight key points of your project.  A professor expects to see a logical flow of thoughts related to each other in your conclusion.

6. Add confidence

If you need a powerful conclusion, eliminate all the doubts from this paragraph. Avoid words: “probably,” “maybe,” “I am not sure,” etc.

7. Give food for thought

If the format of the essay allows, end it on a provocative note. A rhetorical question is remembered since it leaves a reader alone with his/her thoughts.

Are there any alternatives to conclusions?

It happens that an essay has no conclusion in the traditional sense. Yes, sometimes, professors do not require to end a paper according to academic standards. So, you are free to come up with new ideas.

Here are some prompts for inspiration and practical use.

  • Describe only implications of the core issue.
  • Speculate on the further course of events.
  • Pose an unexpected question to the reader. (Still it, should be relevant to the topic.)
  • Go from the particular to the general. Show how the object of your study influences the whole picture.

Rules for writing conclusions may vary depending on the type of the essay. Let’s figure it out in detail.

What is the best conclusion for a critical essay?

A critical essay is a matter of analysis, firstly. Students might associate it with a negative review (critique), yet, it’s not like that. The sense is to study a particular object and give an objective evaluation. Therefore, the final part of these papers must contain the core findings made during this examination.

Some ideas on how to write it:

  • put it all together;
  • find stronger wordings to recap the main suggestions,
  • come up with a succinct phrase reflecting your discovery.

Conclusions for academic papers

Obviously, academic papers require a serious approach to writing. Educational institutions set their rules for composing essays, and their chapters, in particular. Students are restricted with these standards and have to operate within rigid frames. These may vary according to colleges and types of academic papers. Yet, we can reveal the most common of them.

In fact, you need to answer the following questions in a couple phrases.

  • What is the purpose of the paper?
  • What is the best way to prove your thesis statement?
  • Why is your academic paper worth reading? Demonstrate the importance of your insights.
  • Is there any value of your treatise for further research?

Conclusions that irritate

The truth is your teachers and professors read thousands of essays every year. They explain the rules of good conclusions and give practical recommendations. Still, some students go against these principles and common sense, in general.

Our assistants have selected phrases that may spoil the overall impression of your report. However, do take them as the only truth. You could have quite another college policy.

1. “In conclusion,” “the conclusion is...”

If you want to stand out among other multiple applicants and pupils, think about more interesting wording. Stop being Captain Obvious, look for new catchphrases, and get a well-earned A. 

2. “And now let’s talk about a new concept (event, phenomena, theme)...”

Wait, it is the conclusion, not a new chapter. Thus, do not give any new facts and explanations. The reader expects a summary but not a continuation or a beginning, which is even worse. Calculations, clarifications, statistics, and other arguments must be written in the main part.

3. “Look  at this issue from the new angle,” “I have just revealed that, ...”

Unexpected conclusions are good for fiction. An academic field does not appreciate such twists. They definitely need “spoilers” in the body of your paper.

4. “That’ all, folks…”

It’s not a good idea to cite Looney Tunes cartoons in essays for high schools or colleges. The same can be said about jargon and slang.

Here are some more variants on how to annoy a professor.

Typical mistakes in conclusions

We want you to avoid common misconceptions concerning the final paragraph. For this purpose, we have selected some of the most popular remarks from professors.

✓ It is too long

You need to monitor the proportions of this part. Obviously, the conclusion cannot be longer than the main part.

✓ Pupils start a new page to write it

The conclusion is the last part of an essay. It is not the same as a new chapter of a dissertation.

✓ The style of the conclusion differs from the manner of writing of the previous parts

Sometimes we witness this dissonance, and it really comes across as something weird. Your teacher might also think that another person wrote it.

Conclusion in an opinion essay

The purpose of the opinion essay is to express a personal point of view. One can take it as an opportunity to show individuality. Importantly, this principle must be reflected in the final paragraph.

Here is an abstract from an essay by an actor James Franco. He demonstrates his positive attitude to selfies and sums up thoughts in one beautiful abstract.

essay conclusion - example


Some hints from our authors

  • Do not change your attitude in the final part

It is not recommended to write sudden new views. You need to demonstrate a consistent piece of writing.

  • Formulate your viewpoint in one phrase

Learn to be concise. The conclusion is not for repeating the same thoughts that are presented in the body of the essay. What is even more important, it is not about overloading your readers with a bunch of information.

  • Be special

Show the uniqueness of your thoughts and reflections. Your fresh view is what professors will definitely appreciate.

A conclusion from “an essay about knowledge in 2020” (random example from our author):

“In fact, one needs to know only the basic things and principles. Yet, you need to understand much more. The sense is not to memorize encyclopedic data but to comprehend it. Your abilities are unlimited when you are good at observing, analyzing, and predicting.”

How to conclude a problem solution essay?

One clear answer is what a professor wants to read at the end of your problem solution essay. You can come up with various decisions, yet do not forget about a concise manner of the final abstract. Here are some of our variants from our specialists:

✓ reveal preventive measures;

✓ show well-known ways of fight against the issue;

✓ determine the most effective strategies;

✓ demonstrate the effectiveness of your solution;

✓ add your personal recommendations.

General phrases for an essay conclusion

There are numerous synonyms to a banal phrase “in conclusion.”  If you cannot find proper words for your final part, check out our hints.


  • by and large,
  • certainly,
  • clearly,
  • indeed,

A little bit sophisticated:

  • unquestionably,
  • all things considered,
  • in view of all the above aspects,
  • in the final analysis.


  • most would agree that,
  • as a result of,
  • there is general agreement that,
  • the present findings confirm.

In case you need academic wordings:

  • The findings of this essay can be understood as…
  • The research leads to the following findings…
  • The results demonstrate...
  • These outcomes suggest that...

Parts of an essay conclusion

For your convenience, we present a classical structure of the essay conclusion. It could help you put thoughts together and finish your text quickly and efficiently.

1. So, how to start a conclusion?

Formulate the thesis using new words. It could be your first sentence.

2. The main part of the conclusion

“Squeeze” essential moments from the body of the essay.

3. The final concluding sentence

It is a place for the best “polished” thoughts and ideas.

Purposes of conclusions:

  • impress,
  • leave an aftertaste (it is not compulsory to end your essay on a positive note. It depends on the topic of the paper),
  • draw attention to the bottom line of the essay.

Things to avoid in conclusions:

  • new data on your topic,
  • long abstracts,
  • irrelevant information.

Strategies for writing conclusions

1. Three layers of “so-what?”

We know firsthand that “So-what model” of analysis is helpful for writing conclusions. The thing is to get to the root of the issue.Let’s consider an example. Say, you are working on an essay “The importance of education in 2020.” You need to answer three questions:

  • What is the core message of the report?

Education is extremely essential for students today.

  • So what?

You cannot get a dream job without a college degree.

  • Now, what?

Ignoring education, you deprive yourself of opportunities to succeed in life.

In fact, you need to question your takeaway and prove the point. Herein lies the sense of in-depth analysis that forms the basis of a well-considered essay.

2. Tie it to the introduction

A sense of completion is what your conclusion must leave. A reader has to find brief answers to questions posed at the beginning.

3. Analyze, but do not repeat

There is no value in duplicating the same thoughts at the end of the essay. Instead, you need to reveal cause and effect, provide an outlook, interpret the results from your angle. In doing so, you add value to your piece of writing.

4. Find a balance between emotions and rational suggestions

In most cases, sentimental phrases are not acceptable for academic writing. Still, sometimes you can draw emotional images to add sincerity.

Conclusion examples for inspiration

Have you read an essay by Angelina Jolie about so-called “wicked” women?

It is about female power and independence.

how to conclude an essay - example


Expert opinion:

We really appreciate this article for revealing such acute matters. And the conclusion is written perfectly. What do we see here?

1. Summing. It is about the significance of a woman’s self-sufficiency and her active life position, since “there is nothing more attractive and enchanting.”

2. Catchphrase. We like this wording about the love of “wicked” women and, especially, of men who accept them. It comes across as a sincere message.

If you need a similar essay, you can order it from our team of skilled writers

George Orwell’s essay on an atomic bomb was the reason for numerous discussions all over the world back in the day.

essay by George Orwell


Expert’s opinion:

It is a classic example of a short-and-to-the-point conclusion. It concisely demonstrates the implications of the atomic bomb, which is a restriction of the savagery and establishing some semblance of peace.

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good way to conclude your essay

Expert’s opinion:

This conclusion does not contain banal words. Apparently “the bottom line” sounds better than “in conclusion.” One can find an answer to the question “Your services are good, so what?” Here we show obvious benefits you get: better grades and ratings.

conclude an essay with a question

Expert’s opinion:

As we see, attention is drawn to the academic level of services, which is the main thought of this post. The last question makes readers ponder on their wishes.

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What is it all for?

We are sure this post will be helpful for you sooner or later. If you have read it till the end, you might become a “guru of conclusions.” Having studied the above tips and examples, you can write the ending for your essay in a snap. If you are stuck with this assignment, our writing agency will do it with skill.

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