Persuasive Writing Topics: A Comprehensive List of Persuasive Essay Ideas


Have you already come across the topic of the dramatic consequences of climate change? Or the allowance of same sex marriage in particular states? These persuasive prompts were quite convincing, weren't they?

Basically, the critical thinking skills and particular persuasive techniques used by persuasive essay writers to convince you to believe in the ideas they express are essential.

This is the major element of selecting and developing persuasive essay topics.

The majority of persuasive essay writers choose great persuasive essay topics to convince their readers of the assumptions on a particular problem.

In this article, we offer 300+ persuasive essay topics on a variety of themes and subjects, which can significantly help you in your academic journey.

If you feel you cannot cope with the task of writing persuasive essays on your own, hire a professional persuasive essay author to assist you in this matter.

Mind-Blowing Persuasive Essay Topics For Your Persuasive Essays

Persuasive essays are typically written to convince the audience to agree with your perspective. In most cases, such essays are assertive, not descriptive.

Since persuasive essay ideas are inherently argumentative, they force readers to ponder over them critically.

Individuals write persuasive essays with well-reasoned arguments for a variety of reasons like designing an advertisement or persuading customers to acquire a product. Or they can write an essay to change the opinion of someone on a particular subject.

Basically, persuasive essay topics cover issues in religion, elementary school or college education, space exploration, politics, professional sports, culture, public safety, etc.

Features Of Effective Persuasive Essay Topics

You can identify a variety of persuasive essay topics, but you should select the essay topics that you like most and are eager to write your persuasive essay.

From a multitude of topics for a persuasive essay, you can discuss such aspects as physical health, health insurance, immigration laws, comparison of city life vs. country life, the significance of national security, genetic engineering and genetically modified foods, causes of violent crimes, net neutrality, the use of artificial intelligence, and a lot more.

How can you find effective persuasive essay topics? We provide you with some of the characteristics of efficient essay topics for you to consider.

  • Relevance to current trends.
  • Inclusion of updated information.
  • 'Clarity and conciseness of content, allowing readers to easily understand the given information.
  • Generation of emotions and interest in the target audience.
  • Provision of evidence to support the information provided.
  • Introduction of a specific and focused topic.
  • Selection of a debatable topic to enable readers to generate arguments.

We have gathered the most frequently used essay topics to boost your academic performance.

Education and School

Education persuasive essay topics are abundant because education represents one of the most critical aspects of a person's life. You can talk about physical education, college athletes, classroom learning techniques, the need for school uniforms, etc.

  1. Kids should get paid for good grades.
  2. Students should have less homework.
  3. Year-round school is a bad idea.
  4. High schools should offer specialized degrees in arts or sciences.
  5. Standardized testing should be eliminated.
  6. School days should start later.
  7. Teens should be able to choose their bedtime.
  8. There should be a mandatory entrance exam for high school.
  9. Public transit should be privatized.
  10. All schools should implement bullying awareness programs.
  11. Bullies should be kicked out of school.
  12. Parents of bullies should have to pay a fine.
  13. The school year should be longer.
  14. Teens should be able to start driving at 14 instead of 16.
  15. High school campuses should be guarded by police officers.
  16. School uniform laws are unconstitutional.
  17. All students should wear uniforms.
  18. Teachers should be paid more.
  19. Cell phones should never be used while driving.
  20. Yearly driving tests should be mandatory past age 65.
  21. Yearly driving tests should be mandatory for the first five years after getting a license.
  22. Letter grades should be replaced with a pass or fail.
  23. Students should be allowed to pray in school.
  24. There should be one world currency.
  25. School testing is not effective.
  26. Students should be allowed to choose what they study.
  27. Should students be required to take parenting classes?
  28. The voting age should be lowered to 16.
  29. Does your school handle bullying well?
  30. Should students get to choose what they study?
  31. What school rule would you change?
  32. Should students take a self-defense class?
  33. Is it better to snack all day or have three set meals?
  34. Should sugary drinks be allowed at school?
  35. Is eating meat a good idea?
  36. Is it more fun to eat in a restaurant or at home?
  37. What is the best dessert?
  38. Should healthy food cost less than junk food?
  39. Should kids learn how to cook their own food?
  40. Should school serve french fries and fried potato products to students at lunch?
  41. Should girls be allowed to play on boys’ sports teams?
  42. Should teens be able to buy violent video games?
  43. Should boys and girls be in separate classes?
  44. Should teenage girls be allowed to get birth control without the permission of their parents?
  45. Should all American citizens have to complete a year of community service?
  46. Should schools raise money by selling candy and sugary soft drinks to students?
  47. Should students have to pass a basic skills test to graduate high school?
  48. Should students get to grade their teachers?
  49. Should college be free for anyone who wants to attend?
  50. Should students be required to perform community service to graduate high school?
  51. Should students who commit cyberbullying be suspended from school?
  52. Should schools have dress codes?
  53. Should schools have security guards?
  54. Should schools offer fast food options like McDonald’s or Taco Bell?
  55. Should students have to learn sex education in school?
  56. Should schools start later in the morning?
  57. Should schools sell only healthy food?
  58. Should students learn about world religions in public schools?
  59. Should students be able to attend public universities for free?
  60. Should students be taught financial literacy?
  61. Should students have to learn an instrument in school?
  62. Should students be required to volunteer in their communities?
  63. Should students have open campus lunch periods?
  64. Should students be able to use their phones during the school day?
  65. Should students take a self-defense class?
  66. Should homework be required?
  67. Should teachers have to pass a basic skills test every ten years to renew their certification?
  68. Should students be able to substitute an art or music class for a PE class in school?
  69. Should students be able to listen to music on headphones during study hall?
  70. Should the school day be shorter?
  71. Should students have to stop playing a sport if their grades aren’t high enough?
  72. Should students learn cursive writing in school?
  73. Should students be allowed to pray in school?
  74. Should students be paid for having good grades?
  75. Should students’ grades in gym affect their grade point averages?
  76. Should students be allowed to eat during class?
  77. Should students learn sign language instead of a foreign language?
  78. Should students have to participate in athletics?
  79. Should students be required to take Spanish classes?
  80. Should students or teachers receive money for scoring well on standardized tests?
  81. Should students learn financial literacy in high school?
  82. Should students be taught sex education in school?
  83. Should students be allowed to drop out before they turn 18 years old?
  84. Should students take a class on financial literacy?

Technology and Media

Technology persuasive essay topics are perhaps the most productive in terms of writing argumentative essays. Technological advancement in the modern world plays a critical role, so do not miss a chance to discuss it.

  1. Internet access should be free for everyone.
  2. Social media should be banned for children younger than a certain age.
  3. Technology creates more jobs than it eliminates.
  4. Should cryptocurrencies replace cash?
  5. Should facial recognition technology be banned?
  6. Does excessive social media use lead to depression/anxiety?
  7. Should parents use their children’s cell phones to track where they are?
  8. Should scientists try to develop a way for people to live forever?
  9. Is social media beneficial or harmful?
  10. Should social media platforms be regulated?
  11. Should the government place a tax on junk food and fatty snacks?
  12. Should companies be allowed to sell their customers’ information?
  13. Should video games be considered a sport?
  14. Should children under the age of 13 be allowed to use social media sites?
  15. Should the government censor internet content deemed inappropriate?
  16. Should parents use their children’s cell phones to track where they are?
  17. Should violent video games be banned?
  18. Should the government regulate internet usage?
  19. Should internet access be regulated like a public utility?
  20. Should companies be allowed to create pollution if they’re making goods that benefit society?
  21. Should the government subsidize renewable forms of energy?
  22. Should professional athletes be allowed to use performance-enhancing drugs?
  23. Should all Americans have access to high-speed internet?

Society and Culture

Choose persuasive essay topics on society and culture to develop an efficient persuasive essay or free speech on a variety of social or cultural issues. You can talk about strategies to combat climate change, racial discrimination, gender equality, the right of pregnant women to access cigarettes or anything else, etc.

  1. Should recycling be mandatory for everyone?
  2. Should people be allowed to keep exotic animals as pets?
  3. Should the government ban plastic bags and bottles?
  4. Should people have to get a license to become parents?
  5. Should people who download music and movies illegally be punished?
  6. Should the government increase spending on the space program?
  7. Should celebrities have more privacy rights?
  8. Should the legal drinking age be lowered to 19?
  9. Should there be limits to the freedom of speech?
  10. Should the voting age be lowered to 16?
  11. Should the minimum voting age be raised/lowered/kept the same?
  12. Should the government be allowed to detain suspected terrorists without trial?
  13. Should the government censor internet content deemed inappropriate?
  14. Should the government provide free health care for everyone?
  15. Should human cloning be legal?
  16. Should the federal government recognize civil unions?
  17. Should people be allowed to curse on daytime television?
  18. Should the state execute dogs that have bitten someone?
  19. Should talking on a phone without a hands-free device while driving be illegal?
  20. Should the government ban junk food ads targeting children?
  21. Should public schools require all students who attend to be vaccinated?
  22. Should the death penalty be abolished?
  23. Should prostitution be legalized and regulated by the government?
  24. Should the 2nd amendment give citizens the right to own assault weaponry?
  25. Should the electoral college be abolished?
  26. Should people with terminal illnesses have the right to doctor-assisted suicides?
  27. Should members of Congress receive a salary during government shutdowns?
  28. Should large businesses and corporations be required to employ a number of minorities proportionate to the population?
  29. Should teachers be paid more?
  30. Should cities offer free public Wi-Fi?
  31. Should the US build a border wall with Mexico and Canada?
  32. Should people traveling in airplanes have to undergo intensive security screenings?
  33. Should people be banned from owning aggressive dog breeds?
  34. Should the government subsidize renewable forms of energy?
  35. Should the US increase or decrease the number of refugees it allows in each year?
  36. Should zoos be abolished?
  37. Should animal testing be banned?
  38. Should the US convert to the metric system?
  39. Should police officers be required to wear body cameras?
  40. Should the government provide free health care for everyone?
  41. Should the US convert to the metric system?
  42. Should the government ban plastic bags and bottles?
  43. Should celebrities have more privacy rights?
  44. Should members of Congress receive a salary during government shutdowns?
  45. Should students learn financial literacy in high school?
  46. Should gun ownership be more tightly regulated?
  47. Should all Americans have access to high-speed internet?
  48. Should the death penalty be abolished?
  49. Should human cloning be legal?
  50. Should the government censor internet content deemed inappropriate?
  51. Should people be allowed to curse on daytime television?
  52. Should talking on a phone without a hands-free device while driving be illegal?
  53. Should the government ban junk food ads targeting children?
  54. Should public schools require all students who attend to be vaccinated?
  55. Should the death penalty be abolished?
  56. Should prostitution be legalized and regulated by the government?
  57. Should the 2nd amendment give citizens the right to own assault weaponry?
  58. Should the electoral college be abolished?
  59. Should people with terminal illnesses have the right to doctor-assisted suicides?
  60. Should members of Congress receive a salary during government shutdowns?
  61. Should large businesses and corporations be required to employ a number of minorities proportionate to the population?
  62. Should teachers be paid more?
  63. Should cities offer free public Wi-Fi?
  64. Should the US build a border wall with Mexico and Canada?
  65. Should people traveling in airplanes have to undergo intensive security screenings?
  66. Should people be banned from owning aggressive dog breeds?
  67. Should the government subsidize renewable forms of energy?
  68. Should the US increase or decrease the number of refugees it allows in each year?
  69. Should zoos be abolished?
  70. Should animal testing be banned?
  71. Should the US convert to the metric system?
  72. Should police officers be required to wear body cameras?
  73. Should the government provide free health care for everyone?
  74. Should the US convert to the metric system?
  75. Should the government ban plastic bags and bottles?
  76. Should celebrities have more privacy rights?
  77. Should members of Congress receive a salary during government shutdowns?
  78. Should students learn financial literacy in high school?
  79. Should gun ownership be more tightly regulated?
  80. Should all Americans have access to high-speed internet?
  81. Should the death penalty be abolished?
  82. Should human cloning be legal?
  83. Should the government censor internet content deemed inappropriate?
  84. Should people be allowed to curse on daytime television?
  85. Should talking on a phone without a hands-free device while driving be illegal?
  86. Should the government ban junk food ads targeting children?
  87. Should public schools require all students who attend to be vaccinated?
  88. Should the death penalty be abolished?
  89. Should prostitution be legalized and regulated by the government?
  90. Should the 2nd amendment give citizens the right to own assault weaponry?
  91. Should the electoral college be abolished?
  92. Should people with terminal illnesses have the right to doctor-assisted suicides?
  93. Should members of Congress receive a salary during government shutdowns?
  94. Should large businesses and corporations be required to employ a number of minorities proportionate to the population?
  95. Should teachers be paid more?
  96. Should cities offer free public Wi-Fi?
  97. Should the US build a border wall with Mexico and Canada?
  98. Should people traveling in airplanes have to undergo intensive security screenings?
  99. Should people be banned from owning aggressive dog breeds?
  100. Should the government subsidize renewable forms of energy?
  101. Should the US increase or decrease the number of refugees it allows in each year?
  102. Should zoos be abolished?
  103. Should animal testing be banned?
  104. Should the US convert to the metric system?
  105. Should police officers be required to wear body cameras?
  106. Should the government provide free health care for everyone?
  107. Should the US convert to the metric system?
  108. Should the government ban plastic bags and bottles?
  109. Should celebrities have more privacy rights?
  110. Should members of Congress receive a salary during government shutdowns?
  111. Should students learn financial literacy in high school?
  112. Should gun ownership be more tightly regulated?
  113. Should all Americans have access to high-speed internet?
  114. Should the death penalty be abolished?
  115. Should human cloning be legal?
  116. Should the government censor internet content deemed inappropriate?
  117. Should people be allowed to curse on daytime television?
  118. Should talking on a phone without a hands-free device while driving be illegal?
  119. Should the government ban junk food ads targeting children?
  120. Should public schools require all students who attend to be vaccinated?
  121. Should the death penalty be abolished?
  122. Should prostitution be legalized and regulated by the government?
  123. Should the 2nd amendment give citizens the right to own assault weaponry?
  124. Should the electoral college be abolished?
  125. Should people with terminal illnesses have the right to doctor-assisted suicides?
  126. Should members of Congress receive a salary during government shutdowns?
  127. Should large businesses and corporations be required to employ a number of minorities proportionate to the population?
  128. Should teachers be paid more?
  129. Should cities offer free public Wi-Fi?
  130. Should the US build a border wall with Mexico and Canada?
  131. Should people traveling in airplanes have to undergo intensive security screenings?
  132. Should people be banned from owning aggressive dog breeds?
  133. Should the government subsidize renewable forms of energy?
  134. Should the US increase or decrease the number of refugees it allows in each year?
  135. Should zoos be abolished?
  136. Should animal testing be banned?
  137. Should the US convert to the metric system?
  138. Should police officers be required to wear body cameras?
  139. Should the government provide free health care for everyone?
  140. Should the US convert to the metric system?
  141. Should the government ban plastic bags and bottles?
  142. Should celebrities have more privacy rights?
  143. Should members of Congress receive a salary during government shutdowns?
  144. Should students learn financial literacy in high school?
  145. Should gun ownership be more tightly regulated?
  146. Should all Americans have access to high-speed internet?
  147. Should the death penalty be abolished?
  148. Should human cloning be legal?
  149. Should the government censor internet content deemed inappropriate?
  150. Should people be allowed to curse on daytime television?
  151. Should talking on a phone without a hands-free device while driving be illegal?
  152. Should the government ban junk food ads targeting children?
  153. Should public schools require all students who attend to be vaccinated?
  154. Should the death penalty be abolished?
  155. Should prostitution be legalized and regulated by the government?
  156. Should the 2nd amendment give citizens the right to own assault weaponry?
  157. Should the electoral college be abolished?
  158. Should people with terminal illnesses have the right to doctor-assisted suicides?
  159. Should members of Congress receive a salary during government shutdowns?
  160. Should large businesses and corporations be required to employ a number of minorities proportionate to the population?
  161. Should teachers be paid more?
  162. Should cities offer free public Wi-Fi?
  163. Should the US build a border wall with Mexico and Canada?
  164. Should people traveling in airplanes have to undergo intensive security screenings?
  165. Should people be banned from owning aggressive dog breeds?
  166. Should the government subsidize renewable forms of energy?
  167. Should the US increase or decrease the number of refugees it allows in each year?
  168. Should zoos be abolished?
  169. Should animal testing be banned?
  170. Should the US convert to the metric system?
  171. Should police officers be required to wear body cameras?
  172. Should the government provide free health care for everyone?
  173. Should the US convert to the metric system?
  174. Should the government ban plastic bags and bottles?
  175. Should celebrities have more privacy rights?
  176. Should members of Congress receive a salary during government shutdowns?
  177. Should students learn financial literacy in high school?
  178. Should gun ownership be more tightly regulated?
  179. Should all Americans have access to high-speed internet?
  180. Should the death penalty be abolished?
  181. Should human cloning be legal?
  182. Should the government censor internet content deemed inappropriate?
  183. Should people be allowed to curse on daytime television?
  184. Should talking on a phone without a hands-free device while driving be illegal?
  185. Should the government ban junk food ads targeting children?
  186. Should public schools require all students who attend to be vaccinated?
  187. Should the death penalty be abolished?
  188. Should prostitution be legalized and regulated by the government?
  189. Should the 2nd amendment give citizens the right to own assault weaponry?
  190. Should the electoral college be abolished?
  191. Should people with terminal illnesses have the right to doctor-assisted suicides?
  192. Should members of Congress receive a salary during government shutdowns?
  193. Should large businesses and corporations be required to employ a number of minorities proportionate to the population?
  194. Should teachers be paid more?
  195. Should cities offer free public Wi-Fi?
  196. Should the US build a border wall with Mexico and Canada?
  197. Should people traveling in airplanes have to undergo intensive security screenings?
  198. Should people be banned from owning aggressive dog breeds?
  199. Should the government subsidize renewable forms of energy?
  200. Should the US increase or decrease the number of refugees it allows in each year?
  201. Should zoos be abolished?
  202. Should animal testing be banned?
  203. Should the US convert to the metric system?
  204. Should police officers be required to wear body cameras?
  205. Should the government provide free health care for everyone?
  206. Should the US convert to the metric system?
  207. Should the government ban plastic bags and bottles?
  208. Should celebrities have more privacy rights?
  209. Should members of Congress receive a salary during government shutdowns?
  210. Should students learn financial literacy in high school?
  211. Should gun ownership be more tightly regulated?
  212. Should all Americans have access to high-speed internet?
  213. Should the death penalty be abolished?
  214. Should human cloning be legal?
  215. Should the government censor internet content deemed inappropriate?
  216. Should people be allowed to curse on daytime television?
  217. Should talking on a phone without a hands-free device while driving be illegal?
  218. Should the government ban junk food ads targeting children?
  219. Should public schools require all students who attend to be vaccinated?
  220. Should the death penalty be abolished?
  221. Should prostitution be legalized and regulated by the government?
  222. Should the 2nd amendment give citizens the right to own assault weaponry?
  223. Should the electoral college be abolished?
  224. Should people with terminal illnesses have the right to doctor-assisted suicides?
  225. Should members of Congress receive a salary during government shutdowns?
  226. Should large businesses and corporations be required to employ a number of minorities proportionate to the population?
  227. Should teachers be paid more?
  228. Should cities offer free public Wi-Fi?
  229. Should the US build a border wall with Mexico and Canada?
  230. Should people traveling in airplanes have to undergo intensive security screenings?

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