Interesting Argumentative Essay Topics


Developing an argumentative essay is not an easy and fun thing for college students to do.

Nevertheless, the writing process can be somehow simplified by choosing a competitive argumentative essay topic.

In this blog, we offer a comprehensive list of argumentative essay topic ideas for your argumentative essays.

Topics Details
1. Technology and Social Media details...
2. Education and School Life details...
3. Relationships and Social Life details...
4. Politics and Society details...
5. Miscellaneous details...
6. Family and Friends details...
7. Lifestyle and Habits details...
8. Pop Culture and Entertainment details...
9. Politics and Society (Continued) details...
10. School and Education (Continued) details...
11. Miscellaneous (Continued) details...
12. Modern Lifestyle and Technology details...
13. Food and Health details...
14. Sports and Activities details...
15. Work and Career details...
16. Travel and Adventure details...
17. Pets and Animals details...
18. Fashion and Style details...
19. Environment and Nature details...
20. Arts and Entertainment details...

Our crew has researched the Internet to introduce you to a list of the most captivating argumentative essay topics and funny debate ideas.

We believe that you will like these funny debate topics, but remember that generating a quality argumentative paper is not easy; it is not fun writing.

You should approach the development of an argumentative essay seriously by introducing a strong thesis statement, good body paragraphs with counter arguments, and selecting the best strategy to craft a brilliant argument.

To present a good humor essay, you will need concentration and deep analysis of the topic for discussion.

If you think that you do not possess an essential skill in argumentative essay writing, our experienced, talented, and skillful crew of academic level writers will easily create argumentative essays on 500 or more topics.

Rely on the team of when you think you are out of ideas and skills to develop a competitive college degree argumentative essay.

Choose A Game-Changing Argumentative Essay Topic for Your Argumentative Essays

Move on with the list of the most interesting argumentative writing topic ideas and compelling argumentative essay topics.

We have gathered controversial topics for students of all levels: middle school students, college students, and university students.

Find perfect examples of humor essay topics and start creating your ideal argumentative essay with strong arguments, thesis statement, and examples instantly!

Funny Argumentative Essay Topics

Technology and Social Media

Argumentative essay topics on these subjects include ethical, individual, and societal implications of the introduction of numerous developments.

If you want to write an argumentative essay on technology, you are free to choose a good topic that will help you demonstrate your point of view and develop a strong thesis.

  1. Why everyone needs their daily Starbucks fix of coffee.
  2. Why your brain does not get fried by violent-type movies.
  3. Why you should land a great job because of your video gaming skills.
  4. Why your family begins every meal with dessert.
  5. Why you love repeating the Pledge of Allegiance.
  6. Why everyone needs to read the book before watching the movie adaptation.
  7. Should students add their teachers as friends on Facebook?
  8. Why Instagram friends are the best.
  9. Why you love email spam.
  10. Should companies send “happy birthday” messages to clients?
  11. Why standardized tests are the best.
  12. Why high school stereotypes are good for you.
  13. Why free speech should be abolished.
  14. Why animals should have more rights than you.
  15. How Google makes us smarter.
  16. Why recycling is just for sissies.
  17. Radioactive waste is your friend.
  18. What I really love about smog.
  19. How to write a book report on a book you've never read.
  20. How to study hard and have fun at the same time.

Education and School Life

Argumentative essay topics about school life and education are very popular because teachers recognize the significance of the ability to develop a thesis and the importance of critical thinking skills.

  1. How to write a paper an hour before it is due.
  2. How to succeed in school without really trying.
  3. How to win friends and influence teachers.
  4. Why some people should drop out of high school.
  5. How to annoy your roommate.
  6. Why staying up studying is really good for you.
  7. Why every girl in Texas wants to be a cheerleader.
  8. Why high school teachers should never retire.
  9. Why you should never get less than an "A."
  10. How high school stereotypes are good for you.
  11. How to write a book report on a book you've never read.
  12. How to have a stress-free college experience.
  13. Why teenagers deserve to have the worst jobs at the worst pay.
  14. Why teenagers should take over the family credit cards.
  15. Why every teenager needs an iPhone in school.

Relationships and Social Life

Dive into the world of relationships and social life by developing the main argument for your essays with the best funny topics suggested.

  1. How to pretend like you enjoy watching sports.
  2. How to pretend you are actually working.
  3. Why teenagers should take over the family credit cards.
  4. Why girls exercise more than boys.
  5. What guys wish girls knew.
  6. What girls wish guys knew.
  7. Ten signs a guy likes you.
  8. Ten signs a guy is not interested in you.
  9. How to have a very awkward date.
  10. Types of dates.
  11. A guy's makeup advice for girls.
  12. How to break up with your girlfriend/boyfriend.
  13. How to become popular.
  14. How to get back into the "friendship zone."
  15. How to break up with your girlfriend/boyfriend.

Politics and Society

Consider the argumentative essay topics on American history, politics, important political figures, and events in the modern world.

  1. Why the customer is never right.
  2. Why legalized pot made you a better essay writer.
  3. Why we really need less gun control.
  4. Why can't we have the Un-Hunger Games?
  5. Why voting for "Any Functioning Adult" is the best choice in this election.
  6. How to win the war against terrorism without even trying.
  7. What did the feminist movement ever do for you?
  8. Why politicians should spend more time watching funny cat videos.
  9. Why the rich should be taxed more.
  10. Why you should never get less than an "A."
  11. Why public surveillance cameras should be banned.
  12. How to know if a politician is telling the truth.
  13. How to win the war against terrorism without even trying.
  14. Why we really need less gun control.
  15. Why recycling is just for sissies.


Choose a topic on any subject area you would like to discuss, like the need for the death penalty in the modern world, or any other topic you consider interesting and relevant to be discussed in your argumentative essay.

  • Why you should believe every word of an infomercial (pick your favorite).
  • Why people like watching funny cat videos.
  • Why you are not an expert at anything but gaming.
  • Why watching violent videos doesn't fry your brains.
  • Why smoking is good for you.
  • What your driving instructor never told you.
  • What your dog is really thinking.
  • Why Walmart is your favorite store.
  • Why you love it when your computer freezes up.
  • Thank you, officer, I really needed that ticket.
  • Why you love your last name.
  • Why I like dog kisses best.
  • What would happen if cats, dogs, or hamsters ruled the world.
  • Where all the mismatched socks go.
  • Why I hate country music (or rap, classic rock, hip-hop, jazz, etc.).
  • The worst song in the world.
  • What happens when you use the tanning booth too much.
  • How playing with Barbie changed your life.
  • Why Mickey Mouse frightens you (you could swap this with clowns, an icon, or a celebrity).
  • How to win the worst tattoo contest.
  • How not to get asked out on a date (or how not to ask a girl on a date).
  • How to be really annoying (in real life, Facebook, or another social media platform).
  • How to annoy your parents (or other family members).
  • How to be an obnoxious boyfriend (or girlfriend).
  • How to tell a white lie and get away with it.
  • Why global warming is not for sissies.
  • How to write a paper an hour before it is due.
  • How to get back into the "friendship zone."
  • How to lose your BFF.
  • What to do if your roommate puts their biology project in your refrigerator.
  • Why standardized tests are the best.
  • Why it is not so bad to be homeless.
  • Why it is essential for every teenager to have an iPhone.
  • Why you should land a great job because of your video gaming skills.
  • What I really love about smog.

Family and Friends

Talk about your family, pets, friends, and other members related to your family in a fun way.

Essay topics related to friends and family are numerous, and discussing them in an informal way is an interesting thing to do.

  1. Why your dog is your best friend.
  2. What your dog is really thinking.
  3. How to get your parents to give you money.
  4. Things my mother always says.
  5. Why I should have been an only child.
  6. Why dads should be the ones to stay at home.
  7. How to really annoy your parents (or other family members).
  8. Why you want someone to steal your identity.
  9. Why your grandmother needs an iPhone.
  10. Why I love saying the Pledge of Allegiance.
  11. Why our family eats dessert first.
  12. Why teenage workers should get the worst available jobs and lowest pay.
  13. What it is really like to look like a model (or Barbie).
  14. Why you should have been your parents’ only child.
  15. Why it is essential to get your grandma her own iPhone.

Lifestyle and Habits

The choice to write an argumentative essay on funny topics like lifestyle and habits will enable you to use your imagination, public speaking skills, and the ability to develop funny and witty content.

  1. Why wearing braces is fun.
  2. How to pretend you are actually working.
  3. How to avoid being asked out on a date (or how not to ask a girl on a date).
  4. How to win the worst tattoo contest.
  5. How to lose your BFF.
  6. How to break up with your girlfriend/boyfriend.
  7. How to win friends and influence teachers.
  8. How to succeed in school without really trying.
  9. How to become popular.
  10. How to be an obnoxious boyfriend (or girlfriend).
  11. How to tell a white lie and get away with it.
  12. Why wearing braces is fun.
  13. Why I love fundraising.
  14. Why I like dog kisses best.
  15. What happens when you use the tanning booth too much.

Pop Culture and Entertainment

Writing an argumentative essay on American pop culture is a fun process requiring a good knowledge base and a lot of energy.

You can talk about modern art, professional athletes, or college athletes you know personally.

  1. Why people love to watch shark attack shows.
  2. Why Mickey Mouse frightens you (you could swap this with clowns, an icon, or a celebrity).
  3. Why legalized pot made you a better essay writer.
  4. Why the clothes really do make the man.
  5. How to pretend like you enjoy watching sports.
  6. Why can't we have the Un-Hunger Games?
  7. Why Instagram friends are the best.
  8. How playing with Barbie changed your life.
  9. Why people like watching funny cat videos.
  10. Why the customer is never right.
  11. What would happen if cats, dogs, or hamsters ruled the world.
  12. Where all the mismatched socks go.
  13. How not to win the girl of your dreams.
  14. How to tell a white lie and get away with it.
  15. Why do people have so many mismatched socks, and where do odd socks go?

Politics and Society (Continued)

Discuss politics and related argumentative essay topics due to the free access to the most comprehensive list of ideas you can use.

  1. Why voting for "Any Functioning Adult" is the best choice in this election.
  2. Why politicians should spend more time watching funny cat videos.
  3. How to win the war against terrorism without even trying.
  4. How to know if a politician is telling the truth.
  5. Why we really need less gun control.
  6. How Google makes us smarter.
  7. Why advertising works.
  8. The real causes of global warming.
  9. Why people are smarter because of Google.
  10. Why free speech should be abolished.
  11. Why stereotypes are good for you.
  12. Why recycling is just for sissies.
  13. Radioactive waste is your friend.
  14. Talk radio is my friend.
  15. Why can't we have the Un-Hunger Games?

School and Education (Continued)

Discover more essay topics on school and education by touching upon the most critical social issues in this area.

  1. How to write a paper an hour before it is due.
  2. Why studying late into the night is really beneficial for a student.
  3. How to write a book report on a book you've never read.
  4. Why teachers in high schools should not retire – ever.
  5. How to succeed in school without really trying.
  6. How to have a stress-free college experience.
  7. Why I should be admitted to your university or college.
  8. Why you should let me into your college.
  9. Why standardized tests are the best.
  10. How to study hard and have fun at the same time.
  11. How to win friends and influence teachers.
  12. Why some people should drop out of high school.
  13. Why English, science, math (or some other subject of your choosing) is your favorite school subject.
  14. How high school stereotypes are good for you.
  15. Why every teenager needs an iPhone (or another device) in school.

Miscellaneous (Continued)

Select other interesting topics for your essay and craft a compelling essay.

  1. Why smoking is good for you.
  2. Why Walmart is your favorite store.
  3. Why you love it when your computer freezes up.
  4. Thank you, officer, I really needed that ticket.
  5. What your driving instructor never told you.
  6. Why the customer is never right.
  7. Why the clothes really do make the man.
  8. Why you love your last name.
  9. Why smoking is good for you.
  10. Why I love saying the Pledge of Allegiance.
  11. Why standardized tests are the best.
  12. Why you should never get less than an "A."
  13. How high school stereotypes are good for you.
  14. What happens when you use the tanning booth too much.
  15. Why watching violent videos doesn't fry your brains.

Modern Lifestyle and Technology

Reveal the effect of technology on people and identify whether it makes people smarter.

  1. Why I want someone to steal my identity.
  2. Why texting and driving should be encouraged.
  3. Why every household needs a robot butler.
  4. Why you should wear pajamas to work.
  5. Why online dating is better than meeting in person.
  6. Why binge-watching TV shows is a productive activity.
  7. Why social media influencers should run the country.
  8. Why everyone should work from home.
  9. Why it's okay to talk to yourself in public.
  10. Why selfies are the highest form of art.
  11. Why virtual reality is better than reality.
  12. Why smart homes are actually making us dumb.
  13. Why you should never trust a Wi-Fi connection.
  14. Why online shopping is better than in-store shopping.
  15. Why autocorrect is your worst enemy.

Food and Health

The most popular and fascinating topics for your essays on health and food, and healthy food were included in the list below.

  1. Why fast food is better than homemade food.
  2. Why you should eat dessert before dinner.
  3. Why chocolate is a health food.
  4. Why you should drink coffee at every meal.
  5. Why vegetables are overrated.
  6. Why breakfast should be optional.
  7. Why you should never eat anything green.
  8. Why organic food is a scam.
  9. Why you should always have snacks in your pocket.
  10. Why cooking shows make you a better eater.
  11. Why you should eat cereal for every meal.
  12. Why pizza is the perfect food.
  13. Why you should never trust a skinny chef.
  14. Why junk food should be considered a food group.
  15. Why eating out is better than cooking at home.

Sports and Activities

We have prepared a list of funny topics for your essays to achieve your student's success.

  1. Why you should play sports in formal attire.
  2. Why chess should be an Olympic sport.
  3. Why running is bad for your health.
  4. Why napping should be an official sport.
  5. Why video games are better than physical sports.
  6. Why watching sports is better than playing them.
  7. Why fantasy football is more real than actual football.
  8. Why everyone should learn to juggle.
  9. Why you should always let your pet choose your exercise routine.
  10. Why extreme ironing is the next big sport.
  11. Why fishing should be banned.
  12. Why you should always skip leg day at the gym.
  13. Why surfing the internet should be considered exercise.
  14. Why bowling is the most intense sport.
  15. Why all sports should be co-ed.

Work and Career

If you need to develop a paper on work and career, select a topic that would best reflect your thoughts and experiences.

  1. Why procrastination makes you more productive.
  2. Why your boss should be your best friend.
  3. Why everyone should have a four-day workweek.
  4. Why you should never work a nine-to-five job.
  5. Why coffee breaks are the most important part of the workday.
  6. Why you should always negotiate your salary in memes.
  7. Why every job should have a nap room.
  8. Why office gossip is actually beneficial.
  9. Why you should bring your pet to work.
  10. Why meetings should be optional.
  11. Why you should never respond to work emails.
  12. Why quitting your job is the best career move.
  13. Why everyone should have a side hustle.
  14. Why you should always work from a beach.
  15. Why every company should have a mandatory fun committee.

Travel and Adventure

Argumentative essay topics on travel and adventure will definitely help you boost your academic career due to the variety of ideas presented.

  1. Why you should always travel without a plan.
  2. Why staying at home is the best vacation.
  3. Why traveling alone is better than with friends.
  4. Why every vacation should include a trip to the emergency room.
  5. Why you should always get lost in a new city.
  6. Why hitchhiking is the best way to travel.
  7. Why you should never book a hotel in advance.
  8. Why you should always overpack.
  9. Why travel insurance is a waste of money.
  10. Why taking photos ruins the travel experience.
  11. Why you should visit the most dangerous places on earth.
  12. Why you should always travel during the off-season.
  13. Why souvenirs are a waste of money.
  14. Why you should never follow a travel guide.
  15. Why you should always eat street food.

Pets and Animals

Writing papers about animals and your favorite pets is one of the favorite topics for students. Select the one you want to dive into and present the final outcome.

  1. Why you should let your pet choose your outfits.
  2. Why every home needs at least three pets.
  3. Why cats are better than dogs.
  4. Why you should take your pet on your honeymoon.
  5. Why every pet should have its own Instagram.
  6. Why you should talk to your pet in public.
  7. Why pets are better than kids.
  8. Why you should let your pet sleep in your bed.
  9. Why dogs should be allowed in restaurants.
  10. Why you should have a pet goat.
  11. Why cats should be allowed to vote.
  12. Why you should dress up your pet for Halloween.
  13. Why you should always listen to your pet’s advice.
  14. Why pet therapy should be covered by health insurance.
  15. Why you should teach your pet to do chores.

Fashion and Style

Understanding the history of fashion and style represents one of the most curious topic ideas to investigate.

  1. Why you should always wear mismatched socks.
  2. Why you should dress like a superhero every day.
  3. Why pajamas are the best fashion statement.
  4. Why high heels are overrated.
  5. Why you should never follow fashion trends.
  6. Why every day should be a casual Friday.
  7. Why ugly sweaters should be worn year-round.
  8. Why you should never wear the same outfit twice.
  9. Why you should always wear sunglasses indoors.
  10. Why you should have a different hairstyle every day.
  11. Why you should wear your Halloween costume to work.
  12. Why fashion magazines should be banned.
  13. Why you should always shop at thrift stores.
  14. Why you should make your own clothes.
  15. Why fashion shows are a waste of time.

Environment and Nature

Environment and nature are the two subjects worth of attention of the researchers and the wider public due to the ongoing issues associated with them.

You can also try to discuss this subject from a more informal perspective.

  1. Why you should hug a tree every day.
  2. Why recycling should be mandatory for everyone.
  3. Why you should always carry a reusable water bottle.
  4. Why littering should be punishable by public shaming.
  5. Why you should grow your own food.
  6. Why you should bike instead of drive.
  7. Why you should always pick up after your dog.
  8. Why you should never use plastic bags.
  9. Why you should compost your food waste.
  10. Why you should adopt an animal from the shelter.
  11. Why you should always turn off the lights when you leave a room.
  12. Why you should plant a tree for every birthday.
  13. Why you should take shorter showers.
  14. Why you should never waste food.
  15. Why you should always support local farmers.

Arts and Entertainment

Investigate creative topics that would encourage personal expression and develop writing skills via unconventional subjects.

Why everyone should learn to play an instrument.

  1. Why you should never skip the movie trailers.
  2. Why vinyl records are better than digital music.
  3. Why you should always dance like nobody’s watching.
  4. Why art should be mandatory in schools.
  5. Why theater is better than cinema.
  6. Why you should never judge a book by its cover.
  7. Why everyone should try painting.
  8. Why reality TV is the best form of entertainment.
  9. Why every song should have a dance routine.
  10. Why you should always sing in the shower.
  11. Why stand-up comedy should be a college major.
  12. Why you should never miss an opportunity to karaoke.
  13. Why you should always read the book before the movie.
  14. Why you should memorize a poem and recite it daily.

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