Exclusive Controversial Science Topics From The Science Communication Research


Science is a profound and broad subject, with numerous resources on scientific information, scientific evidence, and multiple discussions of particular scientific topics.

Researchers should never worry about running out of controversial science topics because they seem to be infinite.

Topics Details
1. Space and Extraterrestrial Life details...
2. Climate Change and Environmental Issues details...
3. Health and Medicine details...
4. Ethics and Society details...
5. Food and Agriculture details...
6. Science and Technology details...
7. Miscellaneous details...
8. Additional Topics to Consider details...

Controversial science topics have been and continue to be debated among the general public and the science community.

The list of these controversial science topics embraces the subjects that are frequently covered in controversy given their possible impact on society and different audiences.

Some of the most debated and controversial science topics are artificial intelligence, climate change, and genetic engineering.

Some researchers believe that artificial intelligence can contribute to the revolution of particular aspects of society, whereas others are overtly concerned about the possible risks of creating super intelligent machines.

Genetic engineering is perhaps #1 in the list of controversial topics in science because some people admit its significance in enhancing human well-being and health, while others consider the use of genetically modified organisms unethical and able to result in worse consequences.

If you believe that you cannot cope with a difficult choice of an interesting topic for your discussion related to science, you have our perfect assistance team to help you out.

We can suggest some of the most compelling controversial science topics, debates, and controversies that are currently discussed by the scientific community and will contribute to scientific research.

Get Scientific Understanding By Choosing A Winning Controversial Topic

Science is a domain that frequently steps into places that individuals may consider forbidden.

While some topics can provoke passionate and quality controversies and discussions in the classroom, they may become the cause of uneasiness among different audiences like students, teachers, and parents.

The topics discussed during science classes may become controversy due to the personal beliefs of the debate participants, their application to the curriculum, and how they are touched.

At ShinyEssays, we focus on the applicability and appropriateness of a particular controversy subject that can be discussed in the classroom.

We have developed a list of controversial science topics that can be discussed in the class and stimulate effective science communication, which will lead to interesting conclusions.

If you believe that none of these topics are to become the topic of discussions in the classroom, you can suggest talking them over and we are sure they will have a success as a subject of debate!

The Most Debated Controversial Topics In The Science Community

Select the most controversial science topic for your research and identify the scientific information and evidence to start an engaging science communication.

Space and Extraterrestrial Life

Space exploration remains one of the most controversial topics in science because the question of the presence of human species on other planets is still not discovered.

While there are differing views on space colonization, the identification of extraterrestrial life is one of the most researched and controversial topics in science.

In reality, the focus of research of extraterrestrial life is made on the challenges of its immediate detection, but not on the consequences it may bring to the world.

You can find a bulk of evidence related to the theory of the existence of UFOs, but a particular doubt is present in terms of its veracity.

  1. Are We Alone in the Universe?
  2. Space Colonization
  3. Is it important to explore outer space?
  4. Should Pluto be considered a planet?
  5. Should we colonize other planets?
  6. Should we send a human mission to Mars?
  7. Would it be good to be an astronaut?
  8. Do aliens exist?
  9. Does cosmic evolution matter?
  10. Is space infinite?
  11. Is the Earth flat?
  12. Should anyone own outer space?
  13. Should humans extract resources from space?
  14. Proof of life on other planets
  15. The race to get to Mars

Climate Change and Environmental Issues

Environmental issues - and climate change as one of the most adverse issues - are the controversies that are the main topic for researchers.

Global warming caused by emerging technologies can lead to deforestation and destruction of water systems, increased floods and draughts, as well as negative consequences for the human body.

The environment, human beings, and animals are severely affected by environmental issues experienced by the world nowadays.

Environmental problems also result in extensive effects on individuals from poor communities, who cannot mitigate them due to a financial burden. This topic is very broad and significant, and if students decide to choose it as a topic for discussion, it will be fantastic.

  1. Climate Change: Is It Something to Worry About?
  2. Renewable & Alternative Energy
  3. Could lab-grown meat be a useful tool for fighting climate change?
  4. Is rewilding a good idea?
  5. The decline in biodiversity and its impact on the ecosystem
  6. Should fossil fuels be banned?
  7. Should single-use plastics be banned?
  8. Should we begin relocating people from coastlines vulnerable to climate change?
  9. Should we use geoengineering to offset the impacts of climate change?
  10. What is the best source of renewable energy?
  11. What is the best way to fight climate change?
  12. Are “debt-for-nature swaps” a good strategy for rainforest conservation?
  13. Are water resources a basic human right?
  14. Can climate scientists benefit from working more closely with indigenous communities?
  15. Can coral reefs be regenerated?
  16. Is climate more important than soil for determining vegetation characteristics in cold environments?
  17. Is climate science knowledge from the Global South being used effectively to help solve climate change?
  18. Is it a good idea to use wind farms?
  19. Could the de-extinction of certain species help the environment?
  20. Our role in the extinction of thousands of species
  21. Should countries open new oil fields?

Health and Medicine

Medical and health related research topics investigate new treatments, illness prevention, development in diagnosis, and the impact of lifestyle on the health of an individual. For example, stem cell therapy has been a highly researched topic in the past and remains a promising scientific research topic currently.

The evolution of treatment methods contributes to great expectations from using this way of treatment.

One of the most controversial topics in medicine is alternative medicine and the health benefits it brings.

Practitioners of traditional medicine are skeptical about the effectiveness of alternative medicine due to the lack of research devoted to this branch.

Nevertheless, supporters of alternative medicine claim that such treatments allow for relieving pain at an affordable price.

In fact, the subject of health and medicine as a scientific area is very broad and contributes essentially to science communication.

The use of new ways of staying healthy and beautiful is determined by the wide use of celebrities and social media personalities. Therefore, the scope for studying this controversial issue is endless for researchers.

  1. Treating Mental Health Problems as Medical Concerns
  2. Alternative Medicines & Their Efficacy
  3. The Effect of Health Fads
  4. The Legitimacy of Vaccinations
  5. GMO vs. Organic Foods
  6. Should we create artificial wombs for humans?
  7. Should discarded human embryos be used for scientific research?
  8. Are antidepressants a good solution to depression?
  9. Are vitamin pills an effective replacement for real nutrients?
  10. Do e-cigarettes help people to stop smoking?
  11. Does traditional medicine have a future?
  12. Is breakfast important?
  13. Is obesity a disease?
  14. Is plant-based fast food really better than traditional fast food?
  15. Should artificial sweeteners be banned?
  16. Should cigarettes be banned?
  17. Should everyone be vegetarian?
  18. Should governments impose price controls on medicines?
  19. Should pharmaceutical companies be responsible for equitable access to medicines in the Global South?
  20. Should vaccines be mandatory?
  21. Should we always avoid stress?
  22. The science behind the opioid crisis in the US
  23. Genetic manipulation and its implications
  24. Nanotechnology in modern medicine
  25. Human-machine integration problems
  26. The extension of human life through science
  27. Organ donations must be mandatory
  28. Banning embryonic stem cell research
  29. Are vaccines causing autism?
  30. The truth about organ transplants

Ethics and Society

The area of science seriously approaches and studies the issue of ethics. Numerous ethical issues related to emerging technologies and scientific discoveries that should not be ignored and adequately addressed to build trust among the American public and scientific community.

The importance of ethical and moral issues and associated controversies in the area of science covers a number of elements. While we may talk here about the effect of humans, we should also consider and support the evident impact of technology on the surrounding environment.

All of us heard of the experiments made on animals to test vaccines, cosmetic products, medications, etc. This directly touches on the issue of unethical treatment of animals, who also have rights but have no voice to speak out. Or don't they? This is an example of the controversies students can suggest for discussion.

Ethical considerations are a considerable field of study that should be addressed by all scientists and research participants. One study suggests that the instances of unethical practices and behaviors in science have encouraged a large number of advancements in science and technology.

Therefore, this controversial science field can be researched thoroughly due to the variety of controversial topics that we offer.

  1. Is Animal Testing Ethical?
  2. Should Animal Testing be Banned?
  3. Should Cloning Humans be Legal?
  4. Should Euthanasia be Legal?
  5. Should Scientists Create Synthetic Life Forms?
  6. Should the Genetic Engineering of Human Embryos be Banned?
  7. Should Zoos be Banned?
  8. Is it Wrong to Pure-Breed Pets?
  9. Is Nature Stronger than Nurture?
  10. Should AI tools be allowed in school assessments?
  11. Should deepfake technology be regulated by law?
  12. Should students be allowed to use smartphones in school?
  13. Should we allow driverless cars on the road?
  14. Should we ban creative AI software?
  15. Should we develop technology that can read minds?
  16. Are drones a good idea?
  17. Is hacking always wrong?
  18. Is it a good thing that most human work will likely be done by machines?
  19. Should mobile phones and tablets be allowed at family mealtimes?
  20. Are there more advantages than disadvantages to open-source software?
  21. Can digitalization support rural development in Africa?
  22. Can machines be intelligent?
  23. Can we solve the AI divide between the Global North and Global South?
  24. Have mobile phones improved people’s lives?
  25. Is AI just pretending to be smart?
  26. Weaponizing Artificial Intelligence
  27. Who is responsible if AI kills a person accidentally?
  28. Problems posed by solar radiation management
  29. Should AI be regulated to ensure safety?

Food and Agriculture

Food and the use of GMOs in agriculture have become and remain one of controversial topics in science. Scientists cannot come to an agreement on whether GMOs should be used to help people produce food or if the use of organic farming is more beneficial and safer for the population.

This controversial science issue is highly debated nowadays because there is no clear answer as to whether we know that organic farming is better (considering the lack of protection from pets) and healthier as compared to the food produced with the help of GMOs.

  1. Are genetically engineered foods dangerous?
  2. Should genetically modified crops be banned?
  3. Are pesticides good or bad?
  4. Factory farming needs to be banned.
  5. The horrors of chick culling.
  6. Genetically modified species are beneficial.
  7. The dangers of GM corn in the United States.
  8. Should we bring back extinct plant species using science?
  9. GM plants should be banned from the market.
  10. Using science to combat climate change.
  11. Dairy production in industrial farming.
  12. Automatic calf feeders should be banned.
  13. Genetically modified cows are a health risk.

Science and Technology

Technology controversies have made a deep impact on Western societies. Genetic engineering and nuclear power contributed to controversial science disputes over risks and benefits.

Currently, technology and technological advancements do not represent a real controversial science issue. But the discussion is not left aside and still takes place in the science communication.

  1. The Effect of Artificial Intelligence
  2. Social Media, Smartphones, & Staying Connected
  3. Do language barriers impede scientific progress?
  4. Do we know if modern science is actually correct?
  5. Is it important to study the history of science?
  6. Is religious faith compatible with science?
  7. Should high-income nations help build scientific infrastructure and capacity in middle- and low-income nations?
  8. Should scientists be forced to share information?
  9. Should scientists prioritize reproducing results over innovation?
  10. Was Marie Curie’s contribution to science greater than Ernest Rutherford’s?
  11. Which scientist should be brought back to help solve the world’s problems?
  12. Privacy concerns on the Internet
  13. The use of tracking cookies in modern browsers
  14. Technology advancements displacing our workforce
  15. Ethnicity-based ads on Facebook
  16. Should AI be used in criminal justice?
  17. Healthcare and digitalization
  18. Let’s stop prescription drug advertisements.
  19. Online pharmacies should be banned.
  20. Using aborted fetuses to conduct medical research.
  21. Cosmetic surgery should be prohibited.
  22. Robots should replace doctors.
  23. Don’t ban the death penalty!
  24. Generic drugs need to be regulated more.
  25. Are nuclear weapons necessary today?
  26. Cloning should be allowed.


Among a number of controversial science topics, you can also identify a multitude of topics that take place in your everyday life and are so routine you cannot believe they are controversial. Nevertheless, you can look through the list of questions and controversial science statements suggested to get fascinated about the reality of issues that exist in our lives that we can discuss from different perspectives.

  1. The “Exercising on an empty stomach” controversy
  2. Is lifting heavy dangerous?
  3. Cardio training is useless.
  4. Steady-state cardio training or interval training?
  5. Are humans the most violent beings on Earth?
  6. Are we exaggerating the effects of Autism?
  7. Stop promoting Bitcoin all over the news!
  8. Newspapers are about to become obsolete.
  9. Drug and alcohol topics should be banned from the news.
  10. Should Christians tolerate experiments on animals?
  11. Breastfeeding or formula feeding?
  12. Christianity and the legalization of marijuana.
  13. Do prayers really heal the body?
  14. Botox should be banned from the news.
  15. People who used steroids should never be featured in the news.
  16. Only healthy nutrition commercials should be allowed.

Additional Topics to Consider

If you do not want to waste your time developing an academic research paper on a complex and comprehensive science topic, we can introduce the following list of problems to discuss.

  1. The ethics of gene editing in sports.
  2. The impact of CRISPR technology on future generations.
  3. The role of synthetic biology in addressing food scarcity.
  4. The potential for AI in personalized medicine.
  5. The implications of quantum computing for cybersecurity.
  6. Ethical considerations of brain-computer interfaces.
  7. The future of space tourism.
  8. The role of social media in shaping public opinion on science.
  9. The potential for AI to replace teachers in education.
  10. The impact of climate change on global migration patterns.

If you believe you cannot cope with the science topics introduced in our blog, we can offer our professional writing help. At ShinyEssays, we have experts in absolutely all topics mentioned in the article, so you can ask us to assist you with your research or difficult choice of a topic.

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